2nd CFP ISIPTA’2023 (The Thirteenth International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications)
Oviedo, Spain, 11-14 July 2023. https://isipta23.sipta.org
Submission of title and abstract: February 12, 2023 (extended, final deadline)
Paper submission deadline: February 19, 2023 (extended, final deadline)
Notification of paper acceptance: April 12, 2023
Poster submission deadline: May 1, 2023
Notification of poster acceptance: May 15, 2023
Conference: 11-14 July 2013
The symposium is open to contributions on all aspects of imprecise probability, including (but not limited to) sets of probability measures, partial preference orderings, game-theoretic probability, choice functions, interval probabilities, belief functions, and possibility theory.
2 options are available:
– Papers (with a limit of 9 pages, excluding references)
– Abstracts (1 page, for ongoing research)
Submission should be done via easychair: https://easychair.org/
As in previous editions, there will be two types of awards:
On the one hand, the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning will give the IJAR Young Researcher Award to a young researcher whose contributions to IP theory are outstanding. The award shall consist of a certificate and 1000 euros. More details shall be given soon.
In addition, poster awards shall be given to those poster presentations of excellent quality. The award shall be supported by Wiley and Springer and will consist of a certificate and a book.
Contact e-mail: isipta2023@uniovi.es
Further information: https://isipta23.sipta.org/
Twitter account: @isipta2023