ESTYLF 20 – 21

ESTYLF 20/21

XX Spanish Congress on Fuzzy Logic and Technologies

ESTYLF is aimed at all people interested in Fuzzy Logic and its applications and will be a discussion forum in which to present results, debate ideas and present projects related to the area. This twentieth edition, ESTYLF 20/21, will be organized within the general framework of the Conference of the Spanish Association of Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA) which, in turn, is part of the Spanish Congress of Computer Science (CEDI) to be held in Malaga.


Manuel Ojeda-Aciego, Universidad de Málaga.
Susana Montes, Universidad de Oviedo.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Fundamentals of fuzzy logic
  • Modelling uncertainty
  • Acquisition and representation of knowledge
  • Approximate Reasoning
  • Decision-making process
  • Information aggregation models and techniques
  • Fuzzy databases
  • Fuzzy Logic and Data Mining
  • Information retrieval
  • Intelligent systems on the web
  • Word Computing
  • Systems modeling
  • Fuzzy control
  • Hardware for fuzzy logic
  • Hybrid systems: evolutionary, neural…
  • Applications

Program Committee

Researcher Institution
Rafael Alcalá UGR
Jesús Alcalá-Fdez UGR
Cristina Alcalde UPV/EHU
José María Alonso USC
Edurne Barrenechea UPNA
Senén Barro USC
José Manuel Benítez UGR
Fernando Bobillo UNIZAR
Alberto Bugarín USC
Ana Burusco UPNA
Humberto Bustince UPNA
Inma P. Cabrera UMA
Francisco J. Cabrerizo UGR
Tomasa Calvo UAH
Pablo Carmona UNEX
Jorge Casillas UGR
José J.Castro-Sánchez UCLM
Pablo Cordero UMA
Óscar Cordón UGR
Mª Eugenia Cornejo UCA
Inés Couso UNIOVI
Susana Cubillo UPM
Rocio de Andrés USAL
Mª Jesús de la Fuente UVA
Mª José del Jesús UJAEN
Susana Díaz UNIOVI
Jorge Elorza UNAV
Juan Manuel Escaño US
Francisco J. Fernández UPNA
Mikel Galar UPNA
José Luis Gª-Lapresta UVA
Lluís Godo IIIA-CSIC
Daniel Gómez UCM
Antonio González UGR
Francisco Herrera UGR
Enrique Herrera-Viedma UGR
Aránzazu Jurío UPNA
María Teresa Lamata UGR
Bonifacio Llamazares UVA
Nicolás Madrid UMA
Luis Magdalena UPM
Mª José Martín-Bautista UGR
Luis Martínez UJAEN
Sebastià Massanet UIB
Jesús Medina UCA
José María Merigó UCHILE
José M. Molina-López UC3M
Javier Montero UCM
Manuel Mucientes USC
Daniel Paternain UPNA
Antonio Peregrín UHU
Raúl Pérez UGR
Héctor Pomares UGR
Carlos Porcel UJAEN
Ana Pradera URJC
Adolfo R. de Soto UNILEON
Eloísa Ramírez-Poussa UCA
Jordi Recasens UPC
Ignacio Requena UGR
Juan Vicente Riera UIB
Fco. Pascual Romero UCLM
Gregorio Sainz UVA
Daniel Sánchez UGR
Luciano Sánchez UNIOVI
Santiago Sánchez-Solano IMSE-CNM
José Antonio Sanz UPNA
Jesús Serrano-Guerrero UCLM
Miguel Ángel Sicilia UAH
Alejandro Sobrino USC
Vicenç Torra MAYNOOTH
Joan Torrens UIB
Aida Valls URV
José Luis Verdegay UGR
Vicente Liern UV
Ulises Cortés UPC